
Friday, September 05, 2008


Tom Toles in today’s Washington Post (click on post title above to see the cartoon) summed up the contradiction at the heart of McCain’s new campaign strategy. He showed McCain and Palin in front of the White House stating "Watch out Mr. Bush! With the exception of economic policy and Energy Policy and Social Issues and Tax Policy and Foreign Policy and Supreme Court Appointments and Rove-Style Politics, We're coming in there to shake things up".

How does a candidate in the party that has been in office for eight years run in favor of change when that Party created the conditions that you now claim you want to change? Unless you are one of the ones who is drinking the Kool Aid, it can't be done with a modicum of thought. But since thinking is not a strong suit of these politicians and their supporters first you say in your acceptance speech that you admire your opponent, immediately after your choice for Vice President and every other major convention speaker belittled Obama. Then you claim to be a maverick despite having voted for Bush policies 90% of the time, publicly supported the war in Iraq, and pledged to follow Bush economic programs. Finally you have the audience hold up Service signs a few hours after Palin and Giuliani mocked Obama’s community organizing. Listening to the Republican convention goers hoot and boo at the mention of community organizing reveals this group for what it is: Party members made up of 95% white people with no idea of what the average person in the US faces in these economic times.

The ability of Republicans to say what they think will benefit today’s issue in complete contradiction to what they said at an earlier time is without parallel. This video of the John Stewart show uses recent clips of Republican speakers contrasted with earlier clips by the same speakers. It’s funny, but it is the key to how they approach policy and politics.


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